WorkPlace Mobile App is a powerful tool for Purchase Managers, Procurement Managers, Buyers, Requesters, Controllers, CFO’s, Treasurers, Operations Managers, AP Managers, Project Managers, Shippers, Receivers, Accounting team, and employees.
You can review, enter, edit, approve, disapprove, and process transactions from the mobile App anytime, anywhere.
WorkPlace Mobile App allows you to:
1. Enter and submit requisitions, expenses, expense reports, time, and times sheets.
2. Browse and shop your catalogs, save items to shopping cart to process or submit as a requisition.
3. Approve, disapprove, and process outstanding requisitions, requisitions line items, expenses, expense report, expense line items, check requests, travel requests, hours and time sheets.
4. View status of any item submitted from the mobile App dashboard.
5. Process transactions on multiple companies in WorkPlace from a single interface.
6. Capture comprehensive expense receipt data accurately in real-time and ensure data security.
7. Capture expense on or off-line with your phone or tablet’s built-in camera in seconds.
8. Capitalize on currency options feature, robust auto fill, and type to search
9. Experience exceptional user experiences with robust OCR technology (1st to market OCR with logo recognition) and dynamic data transcription.
Paramount WorkPlace Requisition, Procurement, Expense, and Project Time Sheet are intuitive mobile and web-based solutions that are easy for employees, effective for management, and powerful for accounting!
Contact us for more information:
Telephone: 248.960.0909
Toll-free: 800.725.4408